Healthy Habits

Do you think being healthy is too hard or too much work for your lifestyle? I used to feel the same way, but it’s not the truth! I am the queen of finding ways to make things easy and quick for my busy life, but still make a difference. 

Click here for tips and examples on how to stick to your healthy habits this year!

By Michelle Bilinski

#mindset #habits #poplar and spice #goals #resolution

What are macros?

Intro to macros 101: Here are the basics you need to know to best nourish your body!

By Michelle Bilinski

#macros #nutrition #poplar and spice

Reading ingredient lists

The ingredients you put into your body matter. Do your health a favor and watch for these red flags. Unfortunately the food industry in our country isn’t putting our health as a priority, so we need to learn and do the work.

One way to avoid crappy ingredients? Eat whole foods that don’t have food labels!

Read the blog for more info on this topic!

By Michelle Bilinski

#nutrition #poplar and spice

What is your word for the year?

My favorite thing to do each year is picking a word to focus on and pray over my life. I’m not anti-resolution, but this helps me set good intentions for all of my goals.

For 2022, I couldn’t choose between simplicity and connect, so I picked both! Click here to read more!

By Michelle Bilinski

#mindset #habits #poplar and spice #resolution

Goals for 2022

Goodbye 2021. Hello 2022.
It’s time to put you first. Developing new healthy habits doesn’t need to be hard. Resolutions don’t have to be lofty and hard to stick to. Here are some simple goals you can try to incorporate into your daily routine to help you feel your best!

By Michelle Bilinski

#mindset #habits #poplar and spice #goals

It’s ok not to be jolly

Tis the season to be…
Overwhelmed? Sad? Jolly? Excited? Annoyed? Thankful?

There are a lot of emotions swirling around the holidays for many different circumstances. It’s ok! Feelings are meant to be felt. If the holidays suck for you, I’m so sorry.
Be you. Be real. Be hopeful.

I encourage you to take care of your heart and body this season regardless. The holiday hustle is STRESSFUL to the body, even if you love it.
Continue to eat mostly good nutrient dense foods. Hydrate. Move your body. Sleep and rest. Meditate. Pray. Be kind and loving. List what you’re thankful for. Reach out to a friend or counselor if you need to. Remember the true reasons for the season,

Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.

By Michelle Bilinski

#mindset #mental health #poplar and spice

Nontoxic swaps

Check out these 4 simple swaps you can make to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins!

By Michelle Bilinski

#toxins #poplar and spice #non toxic

Holiday Survival Guide

The holiday season is here! Don’t let the holidays make you feel crummy. You might have time off. You might be traveling. You may love this season, or you may dread it. Either way, here are some ways to help your body thrive during this time.⁣

This isn’t a holiday diet to follow.⁣ The holidays are stressful enough, don't add to them by stressing over your diet. You can drink the pumpkin beer. Or you can pass the glass of wine. You can stay up later than usual. Or you can excuse yourself earlier than others. You can eat the pecan pie. Or you can skip the desserts. You can skip your gym routine. Or you can go go to yoga class. You can support your body to best handle all of these things, no matter what the holidays bring you. ⁣

Check out these tips to help you feel your best through the holidays!

By Michelle Bilinski

#self love #mental health #poplar and spice #holidays

Vital B Vitamins

Vital Bs is one of my daily essentials because B vitamins are critical for so many functions in the body, and they are depleted in times of stress. Taking a B complex will help you feel more energized and kick sugar cravings as well.

Check out this graphic for more info!

By Michelle Bilinski

#empirica #supplements #b vitamins #stress #adrenals #poplar and spice

Sunshine or D3/K2

Many of us do not get enough sunshine. If we work indoors all day, our vitamin D can get low, and sometimes our body just needs some extra support, especially in the fall and winter months! This is why D3+K2 Max has become one of my daily supps since I do not get sunshine every day.

Don’t forget, you must consume fat to absorb these fat-soluble vitamins, so be sure to take it with a meal! Check out the graphic for more info!

By Michelle Bilinski

#empirica #supplements #poplar and spice #vitamin d #vitamin k #d3 k2